Page 115
Content note: depiction of bruises.
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[Terry unwraps Angela's foot bandage as they talk.]
Terry: Now, where is the pain?
Angela: My ankle... I sprained it the day after... y'know. (Gesturing upwards.)
Terry: So it's been... 8 or 9 days? Is it worse now? Or the same?
[Angela winces.]
Angela: The same. Maybe worse.
[Terry begins gently feeling along Angela's bruised, discolored ankle with both hands.]
Terry: What's your pain like? Scale of 1 to 10.
Angela: Around a seven? It's really achy all up and down my calf.
[Close up on Terry's hand, rooting through some bottles of pills.]
Terry: A sprain will USUALLY improve after about a week's rest... So I'm going to GUESS it's actually BROKEN. You've got some inflammation built up.
Terry: Now, where is the pain?
Angela: My ankle... I sprained it the day after... y'know. (Gesturing upwards.)
Terry: So it's been... 8 or 9 days? Is it worse now? Or the same?
[Angela winces.]
Angela: The same. Maybe worse.
[Terry begins gently feeling along Angela's bruised, discolored ankle with both hands.]
Terry: What's your pain like? Scale of 1 to 10.
Angela: Around a seven? It's really achy all up and down my calf.
[Close up on Terry's hand, rooting through some bottles of pills.]
Terry: A sprain will USUALLY improve after about a week's rest... So I'm going to GUESS it's actually BROKEN. You've got some inflammation built up.