↓ Transcript
[Hannah is braced for the worst, and cracks one eye open.]

[Sami has her fists up by her chest with a giant grin on her face. Lined up at the island counter, Salime has a little eyebrow-raised look, Audrey and understanding smile, and Lauren looks not at all surprised, with her chin on her fist.]

[Hannah's shoulders drop, completely taken aback.]

[Sami looks positively brimming with excitement.]

Sami: Can I hug you now? Just a SHORT one?

[Hannah holds up her arm and rolls her eyes just slightly as Sami flings her arms around her.]

Sami: You're so brave and wonderful! Thank you for confiding in us!

[A closeup on Sami and Hannah, who has just the hint of a smile.]

Sami: And if someone has a problem has a problem with it, BURN THEM.