↓ Transcript
[Sami speaks with firm authority.]

Sami: That is NOT your call to make, Andy. You cannot FORCE someone to... to HEAL, or WHATEVER.

[A wide shot of the room. Hannah stands with her back to the sliding doors, hugging herself with her head bowed. Sami stands between her and Andy, giving Andy a very stern look, with her hands on her hips. Andy has curled inward, clutching her head. Salime and Audrey watch, speechless, from the other side of the kitchen island.]

Sami: We only have a few days to get our shit together and I WON'T let us spend it fighting.

[Hannah turns, running out the back door.]

[Sami looks over at Andy with a sympathetic expression.]

Sami: I KNOW it's hard for you, but...

[Andy has already turned and left, heading to the front door.]