↓ Transcript
[Sami picks up her phone, tapping on the screen.]

Sami: So yeah... that's everything.

[Shot of Salime and Audrey, taking it all in.]

Salime: Wow.

[Shot from behind Salime's shoulder as she and Sami converse.]

Salime: Why couldn't she tell us more than just "be there"?
Sami: I don't really know. With psychic aliens, maybe it's better not to know specifics? OUR plan is on lockdown for the same reason. We haven't told ANYONE out THERE (gesturing towards outside) anything but our powers. Just in case.

[Sami looks very serious, interlocking her fingers in front of her.]

Sami: Thursday is IT. Our plan is to load up in my dad's car and get as far as we can, then get the rest of the way on foot.