↓ Transcript
[Sami sits down at the foot of the bed.]

Sami: What's going on?
Andy: My head is POUNDING. I just need some rest.

[Andy flips onto her back; there are pronounced shadows under her eyes and she looks exhausted.]

Andy: Dealing with so many people around gets hard. Everyone's worried. Everyone's scared. ANXIOUS. And then I get even MORE tense and anxious, and I don't know what's ME and what's NOT, sometimes... I feel like a sponge that needs to be wrung out.

[Sami reacts with sympathy.]

Sami: I'm sorry. That sounds awful.

[She makes to leave, but Andy holds up her hands, stopping her.]

Sami: Do you want me to go? I can leave you alone--
Andy: No, no, you don't have to...

[She sits up in a cross-legged position, pinching the spot between her eyebrows.]

Andy: It's alright. Thanks, though.
SFX: rub rub rub