↓ Transcript
[Lauren shifts to one side as she and Saki converse.]

Saki: What's the situation down here? We don't have radio contact-- the whole city's a dead zone...
Lauren: Yep. Most of the grid is down. Anyone left is holed up, scavenging whatever they can find.

[Lauren shrugs in an offhand way.]

Lauren: That's what I do most of the time. When I'm not dodging the stickies.

[Saki raises her eyebrows.]

Saki: "Stickies"?
Lauren: (off panel) The aliens. Got these really long stick legs.

[A shot of Lauren and Saki from overhead. Saki has one arm on her hip and the other is close to her face, in a thoughtful gesture.]

Lauren: They do sweeps ALL the time, and they DEFINITELY shoot first, ask questions later. Figuratively speaking.
Saki: Do you know how many PEOPLE are left?
Lauren: Not really. Sorry.