↓ Transcript
[Sami stands up excitedly. Andy takes the tissue away from her nose as she speaks.]

Sami: We'll be able to look for the others! And look for other survivors and help them! We HAVE a whole HOUSE.
Andy: Yeah! The three of us can't be the ONLY people who found cover.

[Sami turns, addressing Lauren and Hannah, who she looks at worriedly, fidgeting with her phone.]

Sami: What about YOU guys? We're going to NEED you both.

[Hannah replies, with the hint of a smile.]

Sami: (off-panel) I GET it, if--
Hannah: Still in.
Sami: Awesome!

[Andy smiles to herself as she crumples up the tissue.]

[Lauren, leaning back on her hands, looks up with raised eyebrows, nonplussed.]

Sami: (off-panel) Lauren? How 'bout it?