This page features more Kickstarter cameos!  This time it’s my sister Jen, and my three nieces; Colleen, Bevan, and Erin.

↓ Transcript
[A far shot of Aaron, waving his arm high above his head.]

Aaron: Guys!

[A closeup, his hand cupped next to his mouth as he calls to the others.]

Aaron: It's here! IT'S HERE!

[Kurt, Angela, and Brian's eyes go wide, emotional and relieved.]

[They approach the house and are met by several other survivors, who start assisting them and taking their bags and such.]

Survivor 1: I can take those...
Aaron: Thanks.

Survivor 2: (to Angela) Ohmygod, are you all right?

[Survivor 2, who is wearing a green sweatshirt, turns and directs one of the others.]

Survivor 2: Go get one of the girls!

[They assist Angela up to the front porch.]

Survivor 3: We gotcha... riiiiight up here... let's get you inside...
Angela: Thank you...

[As they reach the porch, Andy has just emerged from the front door.]

Andy: Oh! Hi!