Status Update!
Hey folks! How’s it going?
It’s been a minute, so I thought I’d let you all know what’s up. The next comic update is in progress, and will be 4 pages. It’s going slow at the moment while I clear out some cobwebs everywhere else in my art life and get this thing rolling again. :) But it’s coming! Roughs, sketches, and more are available on my Patreon.
Those metaphorical cobwebs are a few bigger projects I need to get done yesterday, for example my personal website, which I just got back online!
I’m also planning to return to Kickstarter for Volume 3 this summer, so I’m getting ready for that as well. Mark your calendars for July!
After the last Kickstarter in March 2017 failed, I had to make a bunch of life changes. I moved back in with my parents to save money and get my shit together, basically! Along with my coloring work and Patreon commitments, I’ve been bartending most weekends. So I’ve been working very quietly and diligently with my head down for two years, and it can be frustrating when my progress is 99% invisible to the internet, but without your support here and elsewhere, it wouldn’t have been possible, so thank you. :)
Last but not least, I started renting a studio! It’s the first time I’ve had an office outside my residence. It’s pretty cool. Check it out!

See you again soon!