In happier news, TH Vol 1 is in Previews!
Hi! The first TH graphic novel is now in Previews! If you haven’t already picked up a copy and want to do so through your local comic shop, the order code is FEB172028. The book hits the shelves April 26!
I got accepted into Otakon! However, I’m tight on money and I need to scrape together about a hundred bucks to pay for the table by tomorrow night. (Tuesday, Feb 7.) I am offering up commissions, for which you can find all the info here, and I’ve got a PayPal tip jar if any of you kind-hearted folks feel like tossing a few dollars my way. If I don’t manage to raise the table registration fee, it’s not a big deal and I’ll get over it, but Otakon has been hard for me to get into the last several years, so I don’t want to miss the chance to go back!
EDIT: Got it covered!
That’s all for now! Things are looking good for a new comic page on Wednesday, so I will hopefully see you then. :)