Hey, Hues fans!  Now that Chapter 4 is done, I wanted to give a short update from behind the scenes.

Chapter 5 will tentatively begin on July 28th with page 145.  July is going to be another very busy month!  I’ve got a family reunion this weekend, as well as Detcon and Glass City Con back-to-back, so keep an eye on Twitter and Tumblr for up-to-the-minute updates, and I’ll make sure to post here if that schedule ends up being adjusted on the fly. :)

Sailor Moon Crystal begins this Saturday!  I plan to be up at 6AM to watch it, and I’ll be liveblogging the episode on my Tumblr, so come wallow in feelings with me.  For love and justice.

This Friday is Independence Day in the United States!  And as many of you know, Independence Day (aka ID4) is one of my favorite movies, as well as a large influence on the comic.  Last year, I hosted an impromptu live viewing of ID4, and I’d like to do so again, but as previously mentioned, I’ll be out of town on July 4th!  So I was thinking of having it the following week.  Tuesday, July 8th, at 12PM noon EDT, I’ll be broadcasting on my Livestream channel!  I hope you can come join me and enjoy the GREATEST SCI-FI FILM IN EXISTENCE. (Yeah, I said it. Wanna fight?!)

No new news to report on the Kickstarter launch. I’ve got a bazillion things to do, but I’m starting to chip away at some of those to-do items. :)

That’s all for now!  Hope you’re all having a great day. :D